The third Nokia to be announced recently in the N Series range, is the Nokia N93. The N93 features a 3.2 mega pixel camera with Carl Zeiss Optics and focuses heavily on its Video Recording aspect. Offering DVD quality captures at 30fps, 3x optical zoom, upto 20x digital zoom and video stablizer, the Nokia N93 is smart, co***ct and a great business/holiday co***nion. The Nokia N93 also features an integrated MP3 Player with built-in FM Radio and support for Visual Radio and of course video calling. With a Symbian series 60 3rd Edition operating system and a suite of applications on top which includes support for office ***uments such as word and excel, the N93 is both a camcorder and camera phone designed to do nothing short of impress by combining the very best of electronic and optical technology. It supports GSM, GPRS and EDGE Technology as well as Bluetooth,Infrared, WIFI and 3G. Although similar in design to the N92, the N93 really is unique and although slighty heavier than your average smartphone, it really does do everything you would expect from an N-Series phone plus it also features an integrated MP3 Player with built-in FM Radio and support for Visual Radio. Capable of burning videos to DVD's and editing/enhancing video clips with the use of the A***e Premier Elements 2.0 application, the N93 has 50MB of internal flash storage and upto 2GB of miniSD expansion and with the use of the TV Interface, you can output videos and photos direct to your TV for the whole family to see and share. For more info please visite our web-site! |